Posted by iknow | 5:23 AM

What are computers used for?

Computers are used for a wide variety of purposes. Data processing is commercial and financial work. This includes such things as billing, shipping and receiving, inventory control, and similar business related functions, as well as the “electronic office”.

a.) For personal computing
-Small computer like microcomputer can be controlled by a single person. It can be use for word processing, desktop publishing, electronic spreadsheets and maintaining databases.

b) Information system
-Computers are used to support the administrative aspects of an administration, for
example: applications including payroll systems, airline reservation systems, and others.

c) Offices / Banks
-Computers are used in offices to enhance the working process. It is used to gather data
and information.

Scientific processing is using a computer to support science. This can be as simple as gathering and analyzing raw data and as complex as modelling natural phenomenon (weather and climate models, thermodynamics, nuclear engineering, etc.).
a.) Science and Research
-Engineers and Scientist use computers as a tool in experimentation and design. Aerospace engineers use computers to stimulate the effects of wind tunnel to analyze the aerodynamics of an airplane prototype.

b.) Medicine
-Tiny "Computers on a chip" are being embedded in artificial hearts and other organs. Once
the organs are implanted in the body, the computer monitors critical inputs, such as blood pressure and flow, then takes corrective action to ensure stability of operation in a continuous feedback.

c.) Artificial Intelligence
- Today's computer can imitate many human movements such as grasping calculating,
speaking, remembering, comparing numbers and drawings, researchers are working to expand these capabilities by developing computers and program that can imitate human intelligence.

-Includes content creation (composing music, performing music, recording music, editing film and video, special effects, animation, illustration, laying out print materials, etc.) and multimedia playback (games, DVDs, instructional materials, etc.).

e.) Education
-Computers can interact with students to enhance the learning process.

IV. Capabilities of a Computer :

  • The computer has the ability to perform arithmetic operations.
    The computer has the ability to perform logical operations
    The computer has the ability to store and retrieve information.
    The computer has the ability to process information at very high speed.

V. Limitations of a Computer :

  • Computers do not think for you.
    The Computer cannot correct inaccurate data.
    The Computer is subject to breakdown.