Eye Strain

A computer screen is usually only an arms length from your eyes and prolonged usage will cause eyestrain. This can lead to headaches, blurred vision and sometimes nausea. You can put it on the same level as watching a T.V. from two feet away. These injuries don’t just appear; they tend to creep in over a period of time. To prevent this consider the following:

  • -Ensure the screen resolution is correct, if not correct it. (A 15" monitor usually has a resolution of 800 x 600 pixels).
    -Make sure your monitor screen is not blurred, if so get it checked or even replaced.
    -Keep your working time on the computer to a safe level before a break, 20 minutes maximum, with a 15-minute break.
    -Make sure you have a sufficient lighting environment. Working in the dark will cause no end of problems.
    -Keep your monitor screen clean and away from direct sunlight

Wrist Strain

The only two things you are most likely to use with a computer are a mouse and the keyboard. If used incorrectly you may suffer from wrist strain. This can be anything from an aching wrist to a painful one. Again with a few simple rules you can avoid this.

  • -Invest in a keyboard wrist rest, they are not expensive and you will benefit greatly with your typing.
    -If your keyboard feels like an old typewriter when you press the keys, consider buying a soft touch keyboard, again they are not that expensive.
    -When using a mouse keep your wrist parallel to it, ensuring you have enough room to navigate the whole screen without picking up and putting down.
    -Ensure you are sitting correctly in your seat.

Back Pain

This is one of the most common complaints. This is usually due to bad posture whilst sitting at a computer.
-Ensure you are sat at the correct height for your desk and are parallel to the keyboard and monitor if possible. Looking down or up at the screen constantly can cause neck problems.