Classifications of Digital Computers:

According to size:

  1. Microcomputer - is the smallest of the digital computers. A MICROCOMPUTER or PERSONAL COMPUTER, PC for short, is most widely used especially at home because of its affordable price and manageability

- it consists of : CPU, Keyboard, Monitor, Printer, and the disks drives.

- can only be use by one person at a time.

Examples: (Personal Computers, Workstations, Portable Computers)

  1. Minicomputer - smallest computer designed specifically for the multi-user environment.

- can allow several person using the machine at the time.

- serves as stand-alone computer.

- 40 to 100 employees or remote terminals.

- these perform multi-tasking and allow many terminals to be connected to their services.

The ability to connect minicomputers to each other and mainframes has popularized them among larger businesses. This use is being challenged by the developments in the microcomputers under a network. Minicomputers are still recognized are being able to process large amounts of data.

  1. Mainframe Computer - is another system that can be used in multi-user environment.

- can serve more than 100 remote terminals. Mainframe computer are large general purpose computers. Mainframe computers generally require special attention and are kept in a controlled atmosphere. They are multi-tasking and generally used in areas where large database are maintained e.g. government departments and the airline industry.

Other types:

  • Supercomputers – are the fastest calculating devices ever invented. Operate at speeds measured in nanoseconds and even in picoseconds.

  • Network Computers - are computers with minimal memory, disk storage and processor power designed to connect a network, especially the Internet. A Network is the coordinated system of linked computer terminals or mini computer and mainframes that may operate independently but also share data and other resources.

Computer People (Peopleware)

  1. System Developers/ Programmers – are those who analyze, design, develop, maintain, and upgrade all aspects of the computer system.

  2. Application Users – are those who benefit from the work done by the developers by means of availing of the system’s features and usage.


Data Entry Operator / Data Encoder - prepare data for processing, usually by keying it in a machine-readable format.

Computer Operators - monitor the computer, review procedures, and keep peripheral equipment running.

Librarians - catalog the process disks and tapes and keep them secure.

Computer Programmer - design, write, test, and implement the programs that process data on the computer system; they also maintain and update the system.

System Analysts - are knowledgeable in the programming area but have broader responsibilities. They plan and design not just individual programs but the entire computer system.

Chief Information Officers (CIO) - called as department manager, must understand more than just computer technology. These person must understand the goals and operations of the entire organization.

Network Manager - implements and maintains the network.

  1. Unknown December 6, 2015 at 9:21 PM  

    15 out of 15,quite good

  2. HARI NARAYAN SHUKLA August 8, 2018 at 8:34 AM  

    Very nice